Trade, exchange, buy and sell precious metals at their market rates directly from your phone on the Stellar network and then cash out or redeem into the physical metals mailed directly to you.
The app creates a private Stellar network account for you in seconds. Alternatively you can import an existing account or login with an ExportID account.
Monitor live metal prices in a variety of currencies and trade or exchange between metals and currencies such as USD. This is not a closed metal trading system, you are able to transfer to any other account on the Stellar network.
Convert your MintX tokens directly into physical gold mailed directly to your address even down to a single 1 gram, alternatively you can also cash out into your local currency such as USD.
Take a look at the new awesome features of our new app
Customize the graph to compare spot and network metal prices for easy arbitrage.
Your anonymous unique trading account keys are generated and kept securely on the mobile device. MINTX does not have access to your account.
Buy or sell specific metals instantly and easily or place a buy or sell offers to take advantage of market movement.
View charts and your account in various global currencies from USD to crypto such as Stellar XLM or XIM trading token.
Get up to the minute metal market news from around the world.
Easily send or recieve metals from your Stellar account to any other account.
MINTX mobile app provides a full service anonymous precious metals trading account in the comfort of your mobile device.
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